Of course, the search result is a vital source of all the traffic that heads towards any website. Precisely, as high as 50% of the entire mass should come from that! If the scenario is not the same for your business, then you’re missing out a really significant number of audience.
Well, don’t panic! This is where you need SEO for small business. You might be already running the pay-per-click ads, but it is crucial to know how to improve Google search ranking through SEO.
One of the major reasons is that you will be charged more per click by Google if you’ve not optimized your site for user experience.
Hence, you must opt for some simple and effective SEO tips for small business and the right strategies. This is how you can ultimately improve your business’s rank in the search engine.
There’s a myriad of such fantastic small business SEO strategies to keep in mind while doing SEO for small businesses.
Check them out!
Determine the initial stage
Of course, it is important to explore various ways to improve your business but to know beforehand that where you are standing today is far more crucial. It will be the right step to identify whether your strategy is going to work or not.
It can be a smart tactic to invest in a few paid tools to come up with an in-depth look at your site.
Use Google search console
This specialized tool can let you understand various important aspects of your website on the basis of search rankings. For example, you will come to know how frequently your business site appears in searches, what are the potential keywords which have caused you to rank better, what number of websites are linking to yours and so on.

Hence, explore Google search console and know how people tend to communicate with your website.
Go for Google Analytics
You can set up a Google Analytics account for your website. As soon as you do that, you will get a tracking code from Google on each page of your website.

After you get the code, you will get almost all the potential information like there are how many visitors, what is the source of the visitors, how long they are staying on the page, specific demographics of the traffic and so on.

You can even go a step ahead and set up custom reports to keep a record of how people are flowing through the content marketing funnels which you’ve set up on your website. SEO for small business can never be complete without making use of this strategy.
Come up with a Responsive Web Design
One of the most crucial SEO tips for small business is developing a responsive and appealing web design. The biggest search engines like Google always make sure that you are interacting with your visitors in an amazing way.

If it is not up to the mark, then there’s a fair chance that your ranking will eventually go down. For example, when people are clicking away just within some seconds, then your website’s visibility will gradually become less.
Hence, ensure that you are taking care of the major factors like functionality, navigation, compliant ads, and speed while designing a new website.
Build extraordinary URLs
It is really remarkable to determine an attractive URL for letting your business earn high rankings. However, even the biggest content management systems like WordPress and Wix often end up creating some default URLs which are completely based upon pages and blog titles. Unfortunately, such URLs are most of the time made of very long and nonsense characters.
Thus, you should try your best to generate the perfect URLs while creating new web pages which are short, smart and descriptive. Make it a point to not hit publish until you’ve acquired an extraordinary URL.

Google considers it one of the most essentials factors before finalizing the visibility of any website.
Keywords are salient
Suppose, you have got a clear idea of who your potential customers are. Next, what you need to do is just begin researching for the keywords. Here, you need to always keep in mind that Google is no longer giving any importance to ‘Exact match’ keywords.
Suppose, people, search for ‘car repair Washington’. It doesn’t mean that if you are a car repairing industry in the city, then you’ve to create the content in your website with exactly the same keyword. You should always make sure that whatever might be the keyword is, it should be grammatically correct.
You don’t have to worry about anything more. The smart and advanced search engine algorithms are there to take care of the rest. Get a clear idea of what long tail keywords, LSI keywords are and apply them in the right way.
Wrapping It All Up
These are some of the most potential SEO strategies to rank your business on the top of the search engine. However, some more unavoidable ones are building contents as per the customer’s journey, creating clickable meta’s, including keywords in the H heading specifically, leverage the use of social buttons and so on.
So, there’s no shortage of the thrilling approaches to rank your business on the top of the search engine. All that you need to do is just go for the ones which can really make sense with respect to upgrading your business’s online presence.
What are you waiting for?
Apply the aforementioned ideas in your digital marketing campaign, and you will surely end up making your business’s website stand out in the crowd.
Author Bio:
Sanket Patel is Founder & Director of Blurbpointmedia.com, one of the leading affordable SEO company in India. His passion for helping people in all aspects of online marketing flows through in the expert industry coverage he provides. He is an expert in Web marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, Affiliate Marketing, B2B Marketing, Online Advertisement of Google, Yahoo and MSN. Connect with me on LinkedIn or Twitter.
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