Placing your job ad to the right IT job board highly influences the success rate of finding qualified IT candidates. But how do you find the most suitable online job advertising location when there are more than 50.000 online job boards, 260.000+ recruiting agencies, hundreds of thousands of employer career pages, and tens of thousands of association websites. And then we are even not considering the websites of small/large (local, regional, national) newspapers, etc., etc., etc.,…
Global research has shown that internet job sites are by far the leading channel to look for IT jobs. The same job seekers consider these internet job sites as the most effective channel for finding work. This makes one thing clear: finding the right IT job board is a critical step in your journey of finding new talent.
To help you select the right job board, we made a checklist of things to consider, discussed the pros and cons of general job boards versus niche IT job boards, and, finally, listed the most popular niche job boards for IT jobs in the professional services sector.
Unless you are looking for candidates with very broad demographic characteristics, the main conclusion is that candidates in the IT sector can best be found by using niche IT job boards, because:
Niche IT job boards tend to be industry-specific, and therefore you are more likely to reach relevant candidates who have the experience and qualifications you are looking for. Although these boards don’t have the visitors volume of large general job boards, niche job board postings receive more relevant and higher quality applications. Therefore, niche IT job boards are the fasted way to finding strong candidates, resulting in lower overall recruiting costs.
Then join our niche Job Board with a 100% Professional Services focus. With 1-click you reach:
- 150+ Job Boards and 2.000+ Publisher Sites.
- 50+ million Job Seekers.
- Get at the top of 30+ million daily email alerts send to Job Seekers.
- Jobs are also posted to Google for Jobs, reaching millions of Job Seekers who search for Jobs on Google every day.
Learn more about our Job Posting options or Post a Job straightaway on our niche Job Board for the Professional Services sector only.
Content Overview
Best IT Job Posting Sites for Employers
Seeking IT Specialists
Here are the most popular general job posting sites for IT jobs in general and the best niche IT job boards for posting (and finding) positions in the IT sector in particular. The most suitable job posting sites for employers seeking IT specialists may not be the most popular ones, so don’t be shy about trying out new job boards.
Best Niche Job Sites for IT Jobs
The best niche job sites for employers and job seekers related to IT jobs are:
#1. Consultants 500 – IT Jobs / Twitter
The number 1 on the list of niche job sites in the IT sector is obviously our own job board. But being frank for a moment, our job board is the only job site around with a 100% professional services focus. It is a niche job board for the professional services sector, including the IT industry. Only jobs at the professional service firm’s level or in-house level are accepted. It is a global job board, and via one submission, jobs are distributed on our job board and among 150+ connected job sites, including Google for Jobs and the ZipRecruiter Network (ZipRecruiter is one of the leading global Job Boards and it exists amongst others out of more than 2.000 Publisher Sites). Job searchers and job openings are connected by making use of ZipRecruiter’s latest AI Job Matching Technology. Besides a Job Board, we also offer a marketplace for professional services, so all our visitors have a 100% interest in the professional services sector.
Key Characteristics & Handy Resources:
Job board type: niche professional services job board & partner job aggregation
Job types: professional services jobs at firm-level and in-house
Geography: Global focus
Pricing: starting at $75 per 60 days
Alexa: rank 108.799 / avg time on site 1:57
Visitors: 36k+ per month
Jobs also posted on other job sites: yes, 150+ job boards & publisher network of over 2.000 sites.
Employer features: job posting
Employee features: job search
#2. StackOverflow Jobs / Twitter
This is the Job Board of Stack Overflow, which is one of the most popular Q&A websites for professional and enthusiast programmers. The Job Board has a 100% focus on developer-related jobs which can be anywhere in the world.
Key Characteristics & Handy Resources:
Job board type: niche developer job board & no job aggregation
Job types: all sorts of developer jobs across all industries
Geography: global focus
Pricing: USD 5.000 per year
Alexa: rank 45 / avg time on site 6:14 (main website)
Visitors to jobs ratio: 14 (jobs 2.715 / visitors 39k)
Jobs also posted on other job sites: no
Employer features: job posting
Employee features: job search, salary calculator
#3. GitHub Jobs / Twitter
This is the Job Board of GitHub, which is one of the most popular code hosting platforms where people can work together on (coding) projects from anywhere. GitHub is owned by Microsoft. The Job Board has a 100% focus on developer-related jobs which can be anywhere in the world.
Key Characteristics & Handy Resources:
Job board type: niche developer job board & no job aggregation
Job types: all sorts of developer jobs across all industries
Geography: global focus
Pricing: USD 450 per job listing
Alexa: rank 75 / avg time on site 6:35 (main website)
Visitors to jobs ratio: 20 (jobs 159 / visitors 3.3k)
Jobs also posted on other job sites: no
Employer features: job posting
Employee features: job search
Post your job on our Niche Job Board for the IT, Web Design & Development Sector.
#4. Dribbble Jobs / Twitter
This is the Job Board of Dribbble, which is one of the world’s leading online marketplaces and communities for graphic design professionals. Its Job Board has a 100% focus on design-related jobs, including web designer jobs, which can be anywhere in the world.
Key Characteristics & Handy Resources:
Job board type: niche design job board & no job aggregation
Job types: all sorts of design-related jobs across all industries
Geography: global focus
Pricing: USD 299 per 30 days
Alexa: rank 1.455 / avg time on site 5:09 (main website)
Visitors to jobs ratio: not clear (jobs n/a / visitors 6.4k)
Jobs also posted on other job sites: no
Employer features: job posting
Employee features: job search
#5. Awwwards Jobs / Twitter
Awwwards is an online platform where professionals in the web design sector can compete for getting awarded for the best innovative web design. The platform also operates a job board where jobs can be posted related to the web design sector, which can be anywhere in the world.
Key Characteristics & Handy Resources:
Job board type: niche web designer job board & no job aggregation
Job types: all sorts of web designer-related jobs across all industries
Geography: global focus
Pricing: USD 75 per 3 months
Alexa: rank 6.997 / avg time on site 2:23 (main website)
Visitors to jobs ratio: less than 1 (jobs 69 / visitors 27)
Jobs also posted on other job sites: no
Employer features: job posting
Employee features: job search
#6. AIGA Job Board / Twitter
AIGA is a professional association for design professionals in the USA. The association also operates a job board where jobs can be posted related to the web design sector, which can be anywhere in the world.
Key Characteristics & Handy Resources:
Job board type: niche web designer job board & no job aggregation
Job types: all sorts of web designer-related jobs across all industries
Geography: global jobs but most jobs are US-based
Pricing: USD 225 per 45 days
Alexa: rank 65.580 / avg time on site 1:43 (main website)
Visitors to jobs ratio: 25 (jobs 88 / visitors 2.2k)
Jobs also posted on other job sites: no
Employer features: job posting
Employee features: job search
Search for jobs on our Job Board for the IT, Web Design & Development Sector.
#7. Authentic Jobs / Twitter
Authentic Jobs is a job board for designers, developers, and creative pros. It started as a personal website over a decade ago and over the years it has grown into a job board for the design sector. All jobs listed were based in the US.
Key Characteristics & Handy Resources:
Job board type: niche web designer job board & no job aggregation
Job types: all sorts of web designer-related jobs across all industries
Geography: all jobs were US-based
Pricing: USD 149 per 30 days, subscription-based
Alexa: rank 182.221 / avg time on site 1:20
Visitors to jobs ratio: 25 (jobs 43 / visitors 1.1k)
Jobs also posted on other job sites: for extra fees jobs can also be distributed among other job boards
Employer features: job posting
Employee features: job search
#8. Find Bacon / Twitter
Find Bacon is a job board for web designers & developers. It claims that the highest quality job posts from around the web are aggregated at its job board. The job board has been set up and is still operated by 2 web developers in Ohio, the US. All jobs listed were based in the US.
Key Characteristics & Handy Resources:
Job board type: niche web designer job board & job aggregation (not clear what the criteria are)
Job types: all sorts of web designer-related jobs across all industries
Geography: most jobs were US-based
Pricing: USD 99 per 30 days, subscription-based
Alexa: rank 3.582.364 / avg time on site not measured
Visitors to jobs ratio: less than 1 (jobs 2.2k / visitors 32)
Jobs also posted on other job sites: no
Employer features: job posting
Employee features: job search
– See below for job board types
– Alexa rank is a measure of relative website popularity
– Visitors are based on ahrefs estimate of monthly organic traffic
– Traffic from paid advertisements is thus not included
General Job Boards for
IT Jobs
In another article, we have already listed the most popular general job posting sites for jobs in general. These job boards can best be used for finding candidates or jobs with very broad demographic characteristics.
However, there are some general job boards that have a separate category for IT types of jobs. Here are some of the most popular ones:
What is a Job Board and
Types of Job Boards
As stated in the Job Seekers Trends survey, which is discussed below, internet job sites are by far the leading and most effective channel where employers and job seekers find each other.
However, it is estimated that there are more than 50.000 online job boards globally. So which job board, of these 50.000 websites, can best be used to post (or find) IT-related jobs? The answer to this is not straightforward, unfortunately, and it depends on many factors. But before diving deeper into this, it is better to first get a general understanding of the various types of job boards around because the type of job board can highly affect your success rate.
Examples of various types of job boards are:
- General Job Board – A very broad range of functions and jobs are dealt with by general job boards without and a particular focus on industry or function level. In a general job board, job seekers can submit their resumes with recruiters and employers for evaluation. Besides, recruiters and employers can place job ads that can be searched through by job seekers. Most of the most popular job sites, as listed above, are a general job board, like Indeed, Monster, etc.
- Niche Job Board – Niche job boards cover a specific group of jobs based on factors like industry, location, or job seeker qualifications. Industry niche job boards cover a particular sector, for instance, professional services, accounting, audit, legal, marketing, or IT jobs. Location niche job boards focus on jobs in certain regions, like jobs in a particular city or state (local job boards). A niche job board can also focus on high-end paying jobs or on, for instance, on IT-only jobs. These sites can range from big-scale country-specific websites to more local-oriented job boards.
- Job Search Engine – Job boards can also operate as so-called job aggregators that gather jobs from numerous other job boards via search/scraping techniques, XML feeds, or other channels. The aim is to offer a one-stop solution for job seekers, so they do not have to seek among several job boards at once.
- Job Board Network – Some job boards are part of a so-called job board network. This means that once a job is posted on one of the job boards, it is automatically reposted on the other job boards part of the network. As a result, the pool of potential candidates reached via one job posting can increase significantly. Depending on the network, reposting can be done automatically for free or only after a certain additional fee is paid.
- Company Review Site – A company review site is a job board where current and previous employees can submit reviews about their working experiences with their organization, including pay scale and management working terms. It generally is structured as some sort of online community or internet forum. Glassdoor is the best example of this type of job board.
- Reverse Job Board – On these types of job boards, the main focus is on candidate profiles and resumes rather than a job search. Candidate details are partially displayed to viewers of the site. Subsequently, companies and recruiters buy resume and profile search access to view the full details of the candidates. Linkedin is the best example of a reverse job board.
- Resources Job Board – Besides operating as a job board, these types of sites also provide handy job-related resources for the job seeker or the employer/recruiter. For jobseekers, this would be blogs, forums, and career resources pages with helpful information regarding writing cover letters, CVs and resumes articles on performing well in interviews, and other subjects relevant for the job seeker like career advancement related posts. Example resources for employers and recruiters are the latest recruiting trend reports, salary benchmarks, HR tutorials, example interview questions, and standard job description templates for all sorts of job ads.
- Recruitment Marketplace – A recruitment marketplace connects a company with recruiters and candidates and enables a company to engage with multiple Recruiting agencies to find potential candidates. They can post jobs in the marketplace and leverage on the network of the recruiters to search for the best candidate.
- Company Recruitment Site – Finally, companies can create their own dedicated vacancy pages where they post their open company jobs and where applicants can directly apply. Many companies have dedicated career pages where job seekers can find open positions and submit their resumes on the company site itself.
- A Job Board with a 100% Professional Services focus.
- Search/post jobs in the Web Design & Development Sector.
- Submit your job to 150+ Job Boards with 1-click. Learn more.
Where to Place or Find
IT Jobs?
Where can all the IT jobs be found? Well, they can be found at a mind-boggling number of places. On the internet alone, they can be found:
- On 50.000+ online job boards
- On 100.000+ employer career pages (i.e., employer sites)
- On tens of thousands of association websites
- On (local, state, general) government websites
- On nonprofit organization websites
- On websites of small/large (local, regional, national) newspapers
- On websites of recruiting agencies
- etc., etc., etc.,…
Most jobs are on websites you have never heard of. As such, IT-related jobs are in hundreds of thousands of different places waiting to be found.
When you have a IT job opening, your main goal is to find the right person for the job as quickly and efficiently as possible against reasonable costs. There are many ways to look for potential candidates. Obviously, the best channel to be used is where your potential candidates look for new jobs (or where they typically hang out).
According to one of the most extensive global job seeker trends surveys, as performed by the Boston Consulting Group, internet job sites are by far the leading channel to look for new jobs, and the same job seekers consider these internet job sites as the most effective channel for finding work.

A Checklist, Which Job Board
Best Suits Your Recruiting Needs?
When you have decided that posting your IT-related vacancy on an online job board is a good idea, which job board should you pick?
- Find out where the competitors in your industry (in your country or city) post jobs.
- Measure the performance of recent job posts. Which job boards did you use? How many candidates did you get? Did you get enough candidates or too many? How relevant were these applicants?
- Determine your recruiting budget. Do you only want to use free job postings, or are you willing to pay for premium job postings (or a combination)?
- Find out where the potential IT hires you want to reach, hang out online. Do these websites offer job advertisements or general advertisements? What social networks are they using? You can target your candidates during their leisure activity by posting a job on Facebook, Twitter, or other social networks.
- Does a general job board best suits your needs, or should you go for a niche IT job board? The pros and cons of both types are explained below.
- Determine what type of job board best suits your recruiting needs? Should it be a job aggregator scraping millions of jobs from all over the internet, or should the job board be part of a network, thereby placing the job post on dozens of other (relevant) job boards via one click? The various types of job boards have been explained above.
General Job Boards Versus
Niche IT Job Boards
When you have decided that posting your vacancy on an online job board is a good idea, should you use a general job board or a niche job board with a strong focus on IT types of jobs? To help you decide on this, we have outlined the benefits of both types of job boards.
Niche IT Job Boards
- More relevant applicants to the industry: Quality over quantity. As niche job boards tend to be industry-specific, you are more likely to reach relevant IT-related candidates who have the experience and qualifications you are looking for. When the niche job board is part of an industry-specific network of related job boards, this effect gets even stronger. Job seekers are also more inclined to sign up for job alerts on niche IT job boards because they are less likely to be spammed with irrelevant jobs.
- More likely to reach passive candidates – Passive job seekers, who are often employed but who are open to a new opportunity, occasionally browse the different open positions. When they do so, these passive job seekers are more likely to go to their industry-specific IT job board than to a general job board.
- More useful resources – Besides operating as a job board, a lot of websites also provide handy resources for job seekers or employers/recruiters. These resources can relate to many things like best-practice templates for CVs, how to prepare for interviews, or commonly used job descriptions. When these resources are industry-specific, the added value increases even more.
- More cost-effective: With niche job boards, your recruiting budget is not spent on attracting candidates who are not qualified. Niche job sites also tend to be more affordable than general ones.
- Brand awareness of your company: Posting your open positions on a niche IT job board enables you to promote and build your brand among the people you are trying to reach.
- More networking opportunities: Niche job boards generally include more networking opportunities, providing you exposure through their social media channels and email marketing.
- Less competition: Because niche IT job boards are industry-specific, your job description won’t get lost among thousands of jobs across hundreds of industries.
- Personalized experience: Because niche job boards are often smaller, they can provide you with a more personalized recruiting experience. Do you have any questions or need help with the hiring process? Most niche job boards make it easy for you to get the answers you need.
General Job Boards
- More volume: Generalist job boards tend to attract huge volumes of visitors.
- Broad demographics: If your recruitment needs include reaching across a broad demographic audience, general job boards have something for everyone, including volunteer positions, part-time positions, and full-time employment.
- Widely known: General job boards tend to be well known, and therefore they are often on the radar of many candidates when looking for a new job.
Still not sure what job board to use? If your budget allows it, you can also post the same job on a niche IT job board specific to your industry, as well as a general job board to see what works best.
Best Job Boards for Job Seekers in the IT Sector
Employers and recruiters tend to use the channels where their potential candidates look for new jobs. The discussed research of the Boston Consulting Group has shown that job seekers consider internet job sites as the most effective channel for finding new jobs.
So it should be logical that the best IT job boards for employers and job seekers are basically the same. There is indeed some overlap, but there are also some major differences. The main reason for different favorite job boards being in place for employers and job seekers is because some job boards make life easy for employers while others are more focused on job seekers.
How to Find a Job
in the IT Sector
Find an IT job near me is probably the first thing most job seekers enter into Google. However, you will soon find out that you will not get a lot of relevant results if any at all. By taking these steps, your job hunting process will be a lot more structured:
- Find the Best Job Board for your Industry – As concluded from the job seeker trend survey from the Boston Consulting Group, as discussed above, internet job sites are considered as the most effective channel for finding work. Thus looking for the best job search engine sites, job banks, company websites, niche job boards, recruitment sites, networking sites in your branch is the first thing to do. Via the below checklist, you can determine which job board best suits your job hunting requirements, because there are many options available.
- Keep Your Job Search Focused – Use job search engines to find jobs by using keywords that match your job hunting desires and localize to find job openings near you. Fine-tune your search by using more filters like industry, salary range, and job type to narrow down your relevant results.
- Build Your Professional Brand – Create profiles on networking sites like LinkedIn. A strong positive first impression can be critical for recruiters, employers, and reference contacts and maybe the difference between a potential lead or further look for other candidates.
- Create Job Alerts – Once you have determined which job boards are right for you, your next step is to set up job alerts on your most relevant job sites. Job alerts simplify your job search and keep you up to date on the latest jobs that are relevant for you, without going through all your favorite job boards regularly. A good thing to find out is whether the job alerts only apply to the jobs listed on the job board or are all the partner job boards also included in the job alert.
- Create a List of Your Favorite Companies – It is a good idea to create a list of your favorite companies you would like to work for. On some job boards, you can then specifically search for your favorite employers or create job alerts for these companies. Once you have a list of your dream employers, you can do some special outreach to get your application noticed. With some companies, you may even be able to sign up for email notifications for new job openings immediately after they are posted.
- Invest Time in Your Resume and Cover Letter. It is critical to take the time to write targeted resumes and cover letters that specifically link your qualifications to the hiring criteria of the jobs you are applying to. A hiring manager or recruiter will see, at a glance, whether or not you are qualified for the job. Sending generic cover letters and resumes is a recipe for not getting invited for further interviews.
- Be Prepared for the Interview – Taking the time, in advance, to prepare for an interview is another critical step to help you succeed. You should thoroughly consider your goals and qualifications relative to the job and employer. To accomplish this, you should perform research on the company and carefully review the job description to fully understand why you are a good fit. If you come prepared for the interview, you will be less stressed, more in control, and are more likely to impress the interviewer with your skills, experience, confidence, and expertise.
- Don’t Forget to Follow Up – A follow-up gives you the opportunity to thank everyone you met but also to repeat your interest in the position and remind them why you are a perfect candidate for the job.
- Accept (or Decline) the Job Offer – When you receive a job offer, it’s again important to take the time to evaluate the offer so you can make a thoughtful decision to accept or reject the job. Remember that it does not have to be a yes or no decision. You can also renegotiate the terms by making a counteroffer. Or, you can negotiate for some extra benefits that make the job offer even better.
A Checklist, Which Job Board
Best Suits the Needs of an IT Job Seeker?
As said earlier, job seekers consider internet job sites as the most effective channel for finding new jobs. But how do you find the most suitable job board with more than 50.000 online job boards, 260.000+ recruiting agencies (and their websites), hundreds of thousands of employer career pages, and way more other locations?
Here are some tips for finding a suitable job board for your job hunting process in the IT sector:
- Find out where your peers in the IT industry (in your country or city) look for jobs.
- Find out where your favorite employers place their jobs online. Do they use some job boards in particular, which recruiters do they use, and do they have a company career page?
- Does your profession have a professional association? If so, check out whether or not some of these also run some sort of job board.
- Does a general job board best suits your needs, or should you go for a niche job board? The pros and cons of both types are explained in this article.
- Determine what kind of job board best suits your job hunting needs? Should it be a job aggregator scraping millions of jobs from all over the internet, or should the job board be part of a network, thereby also posting the job post of dozens of other (relevant) job boards part of their network? Would you like to be able to see company reviews of employers, or are you looking for career resources pages with helpful information regarding writing cover letters, resumes, and more. The various types of job boards are also explained in this article.
- Does the job board offer an optimized applicant experience with minimal friction? Nobody likes filling in long and complicated forms. So check whether the job board offers features that are key in achieving an effortless experience. Does the job site offer multiple means of CV posting options? Can you do a search for jobs using standard filters based on keywords, job descriptions, location, salary, and job roles? Does the job board offer a seamless one-click application flow without any hassle or double work involved? Finally, can you create job alerts, and are the results of these alerts relevant?
General Job Boards versus Niche Job Boards
Best Job Boards for IT Job Seekers
There is no one size fits all for job boards. Choosing the most suitable job board for your needs depends on many factors (like profession, career level, job type, location, etc.), and you need to put some work into it to find the right one.
General Job Boards – If the IT job you are looking for has very broad demographic characteristics, you should certainly check out the general job sites. You will get many potential job opportunities, but these job boards also tend to attract huge volumes of visitors looking for the same jobs.
Niche IT Job Boards – If the job you are looking for has less broad demographic characteristics, which is the case for most jobs in the IT sector, jobs can best be found on niche IT job boards. Niche job boards tend to be industry-specific, and therefore, you are more likely to find relevant IT jobs meeting your desires. Although these boards don’t have the job volume of large general job sites, niche job boards have more relevant and higher quality IT job openings. Therefore, niche job boards are the fastest way to find high-quality IT job openings in your sector and get your dream job.
Why Consider Using
IT Job Recruiters
Finding the job you want is hard, and sifting through job boards to look for job openings near you can be mind-numbing. To make your IT job-hunting process easier, consider working with job recruiters specialized in the IT industry.
Keep in mind, though, that a recruiter’s job is not to find a job for you. Job recruiters are hired by businesses looking for employees to fill their open positions. Recruiters don’t find jobs for job seekers – they find people for jobs.
However, there are some benefits of using job recruiters for your job hunting process, like:
- Job recruiters save you time.
- Your network grows exponentially as you leverage on the recruiter’s network.
- Recruiter supports you through the process from applying to accepting an offer.
- Job recruiters want to place candidates because that is their business.
- Some recruiters are specialized in your profession/segment, and they know all the ins and outs of your industry.
- You become part of the job recruiters database and, as such, are kept on the radar for future positions.
Other Niche Job Boards
for Professional Services
Here are some popular niche job boards for job seekers in the most common B2B professional services sectors:
- Professional Services: Consultants 500 – Professional Services Jobs | Top 10 Professional Services Job Boards
- Accounting: Consultants 500 – Accounting Jobs | Top 10 Niche Job Sites for Accounting Jobs
- Legal & Notary: Consultants 500 – Legal Jobs | Top 10 Niche Job Sites for Legal Jobs
- Tax: Consultants 500 – Tax Jobs | Top 4 Niche Job Sites for Tax Jobs
- Marketing, Sales, Advertising & PR: Consultants 500 – Marketing & Sales Jobs
- IT, Web Design & Development: Consultants 500 – Web Designer Jobs | Top 8 Niche Job Sites for Web Designer Jobs
- Recruiting & HR: Consultants 500 – Recruiting & HR Jobs
- Writing (Editorial & Content): Consultants 500 – Writing Jobs
- Translation & Interpreter: Consultants 500 – Translation Jobs
- Design & Multimedia: Consultants 500 – Design & Multimedia Jobs
IT Careers
IT has an important role in the way we live, play, and do business. So it should be no surprise that computer programming and IT is one of the fastest-growing career fields, and will continue to be for years to come.
Within the IT industry, there are many different types of IT jobs that require a diverse range of skills, experience, and education. Ongoing developments in IT and technology also create new IT career opportunities.
These days, (large) businesses always need IT specialists. In addition, a wide range of IT jobs exists beyond becoming a typical IT specialist.
The typical career path of an application programmer/developer has been depicted below, with average salary ranges. The career path of a typical IT specialist basically follows the same route.
Junior Developer
- 0-3 yrs experience
- Writes simple scripts
- Basic understanding of an entire application lifecycle
- Basic understanding of databases and application services
- Not comfortable in every part of a complicated application
Senior Developer
- 4-10+ yrs experience
- Writes complex scripts
- Deep understanding of an entire application lifecycle
- Deep understanding of databases and application services
- Comfortable working on any part of a complicated application
Lead Developer or Architect
- 7-10+ yrs experience
- Same base skill as Senior Developer
- Lead Developer: Transition role to a mid-level manager
- Architect: Pure technical role & no transition role to manager level
Mid-Level Manager
- Job titles often include the words Manager or Director (developer Manager, Product Manager, or Project Manager)
- Manages a team of developers and can hire/fire developers
- Reports to a senior leader
Senior Leader
- VP, CTO or CEO
- Manages a team of mid-level managers and can hire/fire mid-level managers
- Reports to another Senior Leader or the Board of Directors
As can be seen, the career opportunities for a developer are highly varied. The below section gives an overview of the most common type of IT jobs, what these jobs entail, how much salary you can earn, and at what employers these jobs can typically be found.
Popular IT Jobs &
Salary Ranges
People with an IT degree can find jobs in and out of the IT sector.
Applications Developer
- What They Do: as an applications developer, you’ll translate software requirements into workable programming code and maintain and develop programs for use in business. Normally application developers work within a specific development field, such as mobile phone applications, office suites, accounting software, or graphics software and you will have in-depth knowledge of at least one computer language.
- Popular Employers: web development firms, technology companies, and in-house with larger companies.
- Salary Range: $49k – $105k, with a median of $70k according to Payscale.
Database Administrator
- What They Do: Database administrators ensure databases run efficiently. Database administrators use specialized software to store and organize data, such as financial information and customer shipping records. They make sure that data are available to users and secure from unauthorized access.
- Popular Employers: Technology companies, IT firms, and in-house with larger companies.
- Salary Range: $33k – $80k, with a median of $59k according to Payscale.
Web Developer
- What They Do: the term web developer is sometimes used interchangeably with web designer, but this is misguided. Web developing is a more specialist role, focusing more on the back-end development of a website and will incorporate, among other things, the creation of highly complex search functions and databases.
- Popular Employers: web development firms, technology companies, and in-house with larger companies.
- Salary Range: $36k – $90k, with a median of $60k according to Payscale.
IT Help Desk Technician
- What They Do: IT help desk technicians provide technical support and troubleshooting services to end-users who need assistance with their computer hardware or software. In-house technicians only provide support for internal employees. Help desk technicians need a deep understanding of computer hardware and software.
- Popular Employers: IT service providers, technology companies, and in-house with larger companies.
- Salary Range: $28k – $53k, with a median of $41k according to Payscale.
Network Administrator
- What They Do: Network administrators are responsible for maintaining computer networks and solving any problems that may occur with them. Typical responsibilities of the job include: installing and configuring computer networks and systems. identifying and solving any problems that arise with computer networks and systems.
- Popular Employers: IT service providers, technology companies, and in-house with larger companies.
- Salary Range: $40k – $84k, with a median of $60k according to Payscale.
Game Developer
- What They Do: a game developer designs and creates games for personal computers, games consoles, social/online games, arcade games, tablets, mobile phones, and other handheld devices.
- Popular Employers: game development companies
- Salary Range: $78k – $155k, with a median of $106k according to Payscale.
UX Designer
- What They Do: user experience (UX) designers create accessible, aesthetically appealing, and meaningful applications and websites that people are able to use easily. A UX designer ensures that the user experience is as efficient and pleasurable as possible and clearly needs to understand user motivations.
- Popular Employers: web development firms, technology companies, and in-house with larger companies.
- Salary Range: $50k – $116k, with a median of $74k according to Payscale.
IT Security Specialist
- What They Do: Overall, IT security specialists are highly trained and experienced members of the information technology department who are responsible for planning security measures, monitoring systems for security breaches, securing the computer infrastructure and responding to cyber-attacks.
- Popular Employers: IT service providers, technology companies, and in-house with larger companies.
- Salary Range: $42k – $109k, with a median of $75k according to Payscale.
Software Engineer
- What They Do: Software engineers are computer science professionals who use knowledge of engineering principles and programming languages to build software products, develop computer games, and run network control systems.
- Popular Employers: IT service providers, web development firms, software companies, technology companies, and in-house with larger companies.
- Salary Range:$62k – $137k, with a median of $87k according to Payscale.
IT Manager
- What They Do: an IT manager sets up and maintains the computer systems and networks in an organization and manages its team of IT professionals.
- Popular Employers: technology companies, and in-house with larger companies and organizations.
- Salary Range: $51k – $142k, with a median of $89k according to Payscale.
Data Scientist
- What They Do: Data scientists work closely with a wide range of stakeholders within an organization to understand their goals and determine how data can be used to achieve those goals. They design data modeling processes, create algorithms and predictive models to extract the data the business needs, and help analyze the data and share insights with peers.
- Popular Employers: Consulting firms, technology companies, IT firms, and in-house with larger companies.
- Salary Range: $66k – $145k, with a median of $96k according to Payscale.
Machine Learning Engineer
- What They Do: Machine learning engineers feed data into models defined by data scientists. They’re also responsible for taking theoretical data science models and helping scale them out to production-level models that can handle terabytes of real-time data. In simple words, a machine learning engineer is responsible for creating programs and algorithms that enable machines to take actions without being directed.
- Popular Employers: Technology companies, IT firms, and in-house with specific larger companies.
- Salary Range: $74k – $167k, with a median of $113k according to Payscale.
Data Architect
- What They Do: A data architect is responsible for visualizing and designing an organization’s enterprise data management framework. This framework describes the processes used to plan, specify, enable, create, acquire, maintain, use, archive, retrieve, control, and purge data.
- Popular Employers: Technology companies, IT firms, web development firms, and in-house with specific larger companies.
- Salary Range: $79k – $178k, with a median of $121k according to Payscale.
Top Paying IT Jobs
- VP Data Science with Machine Learning skills, median salary $183k
- VP Big Data Engineer, median salary $181k
- Big Data Engineer, median salary $167k.
- Head of Enterprise Architecture, median salary $150k.
- IT Security Manager, median salary $149k.
- Data Architect, median salary $146k.
- Network / Cloud Architect, median salary $146k.
- Applications Architect, median salary $144k.
- Database Manager, median salary $137k
- Mobile Applications Developer, median salary $135k.
- Data Security Analyst, median salary $134k.
- Senior Data Scientist, media salary $127k.
- DevOps Engineer, median salary $120k.
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