It’s always a cause for celebration when the website you’ve spent so much effort on optimizing has reached the top of the search engine results pages. With links to your pages now more visible, it would only be a matter of time before traffic starts to deluge your website and generate leads and conversions, which are the reasons you’re doing business online in the first place.

However, despite the growing number of visitors to your website, your sales figures are still tepid at best. Where did you go wrong?

There are many reasons why not too many people are patronizing your product or service. One of them may have something to do with your web design.

You might say, “But my website looks great!” While your web design may have all the necessary bells and whistles that make it visually attractive, looks don’t guarantee success. There are many other aspects of a great-looking website’s design that may be turning people off, or worse, driving customers away.

When your exceptionally-optimized, heavily-visited, and visually stunning website still fails to boost sales—the ultimate conversion—you might want to give tweaking its web design a try. Here are some web design tips that can help drive sales to your business.

Make color psychology work for you

There’s a reason why marketing materials, web pages included, that announce clearance sales are almost always in red. As the color of passion, red is heads and shoulders above any other color when creating a sense of urgency. More often than not, the sight of a red billboard or web page offering huge discounts in a clearance sale for a limited time only makes people’s heart race and prompts them to drop by the store as soon as they can so they won’t miss out.

Marketers and web designers often use color psychology, which associates human behaviors with colors, quite deftly in their work. They understand which colors elicit which response from which demographic and use them to great effect. You should do the same thing too.

Keep your contact form short

One of the biggest turn-offs for website visitors is a contact form that’s so lengthy it practically asks for their curriculum vitae. No user would enjoy filling out kilometric contact forms, much less consent to giving away too much information about themselves.

As your website’s primary lead generation tool, your contact form should always be short and sweet, which will make visitors more willing to fill it out. Names, email addresses, and zip codes should be enough info to ask from them.

A readily visible CTA button

A common mistake webmasters make is putting up a call-to-action button that’s either too small or in the wrong spot to be noticed. Keep in mind that your CTA is what visitors click if they’re interested in whatever it is you’re offering, so it should always be immediately visible. You can do it by putting it in a more prominent place such as above the fold, and making it red or even orange to improve its ability to catch the attention of users.

Incorporate videos into your web design

Of all types of content, video is proving to be the most popular. Then again, that’s hardly surprising since videos are easier to consume and more engaging than, say, a 3,000-word article on the same subject. Considering how experts are predicting that video will make up 82% of all web traffic by 2022, it’s only logical for webmasters to create and post more videos, particularly ones that showcase their products or services.

Make navigation more convenient

One of the most common reasons why people drop a website and bounce off to another one is the sheer frustration they feel while navigating it. Some sites are just too cluttered or don’t have a working search feature that would make navigation easier. So organize and divide your categories clearly, make all navigation elements clickable, and add a search function to keep your bounce rate from reaching the skies.

Mobile-friendliness is key

If your website still doesn’t display well on mobile devices, then you are missing out on a lot of potential sales.

There are now more than five billion mobile users in the world, and that’s a market that’s just too big to ignore by not going mobile-friendly. To boost your sales, you have to reach people who browse the Internet and shop there using their phones and tablets, and the best way to do that is by going for responsive web design.

While the web design tips above may help drive sales to your business, they do not in any way guarantee that your sales will go through the roof—not immediately, at least. Nevertheless, making the suggested web design tweaks is a good enough place to start.